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About Us
Peace United Church of Christ has a proud, 118 year history of service in the Greensboro area and throughout the world. With our roots in the Reformed tradition of Protestantism, we have long understood that our call from the ‘Still speaking’ God is one of faithful service to our neighbor and faith-filled living through God’s holy Word and the sacraments of communion and baptism. Through passionate and hope-filled worship, joyous congregational fellowship, and committed service to “the least of these,” we strive to live out the call of Christ as people of “the Way.”

In Christ, Helping Others
Through local, regional, and international efforts, Peace UCC seeks to build the kingdom of God “on earth as it is in Heaven.” Globally, we support Heifer Project International, we are the sponsoring congregation for the UCC Cuba Study Seminar, as well as the New Arrivals Institute for immigrant and refugee resettlement in Greensboro. We support various disaster relief efforts through UCC annual offerings. Locally, we support Greensboro Urban Ministries, annual CROP Walk, Mobile Meals feeding ministry, and Tiny Houses Greensboro for the homeless. Our “Hands On” ministry provides comfort pillows to local hospitals, hospice, and nursing homes. Additionally, we care for one another through our “PeaceCare” program of prayer, visitation, and fellowship.

Peace UCC gathers together regularly for potluck meals, a community Easter Festival, Christian education opportunities, women’s and men’s fellowship groups, and youth activities, not to mention moving and passionate worship each Sunday morning followed by a coffee hour. We also have vocal and bell choirs which enhance our worship each week. Come join us at Peace United Church of Christ!